Currently under restoration is this |

1910 model J Landaulette 11.6 H.P. |
At The Green Man, Lavendon |

1914 model S Rhyl and 1921 SLO |

1926 12/24 H.P. Wellesbourne tourer |

A pair of 1924 V3 Kenilworth tourers |
Saturday evening saw the formal part of the proceedings with the annual
dinner, prize giving, and drawing of the raffle. Results: Rally to the Event Class 1
1st Clive Watson 1912 Brighton Torpedo
140 formula miles
(Barr Trophy)
Class 2
1st Steve Smeltzer
1927 V4 14/28 H.P.
127 formula miles
2nd Phil Homer 1921 SLO
78 formula miles
Class 3
1st Harry Groom
1928 Gordon England
47 formula miles Butterworth Cup (Most improved
car over the last 12 months) Winner: Barry
Weatherhead 1914 Rhyl
won the cup, as a result of a magnificent repaint in original colour scheme of his car. Barry had
previously won the same cup, with the same car, for carrying out the same job in 1970. So in
41 years time, at the 2052 event, I expect Barry to win the cup again!
on Television or Films quiz (kindly devised by Suzie Singleton) Winner: Richard Rogers with an all correct 20 out of 20
Sunday morning started dry, for the shorter drive to The Blue
Lias at Stockton, where a coffee was enjoyed sitting in the sunshine by the Canal. Unfortunately, by lunchtime,
the weather quickly turned to heavy showers, and all to quickly it was time to say our farewells for another year.
For a further report "click here" for the Standard Motor Club website
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2011 event has proved to be one of the most successful to date, with a record number of entrants, good weather, an excellent
hotel base, and glorious motoring. Friday afternoon saw entrants arriving from all parts of
the Country, as far south as Tunbridge Wells in Kent, and as far north as Wakefield in West Yorkshire. We
even had a member who had flown from Vienna to Heathrow, picked up a hire car, at the airport to join us for the weekend.
Making a welcome re-appearance was the 1910
12 H.P. model J Landaulette, that is under restoration by John Blanckley. Two members were attending
their first Standard Register event, Conan Lewis with his 1924 Kenilworth and Graham Wilman with the ex Bill Boddy 1929 Teignmouth.
I hope that they both enjoyed their weekend with us, and will become regular attendees. Saturday
morning was bright, and the car park was soon a hive of activity, as cars prepared to depart on the morning run.
This scenic drive went in a southeasterly direction to the lunchtime stop of The Green Man at Lavendon, Buckinghamshire.
After a excellent leisurely buffet lunch, the cars were then ready to tackle the afternoon drive back to the hotel,
with the option of visiting the Canal Museum at Stoke Bruerne and also a Farm Shop/craft centre, that serves excellent cream

For the 2011 event, we had four model S Rhyl's present |

1924 V3 Kenilworth tourer |

1919 model SLS two seater |
Attending its first Register event was this |

1924 V3 Kenilworth |

The final Coffee Stop at The Blue Lias |
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